Selasa, 25 Mei 2021



Eine Kryptowährung für die Fitnessbranche

Durch die Blockchain-Technologie werden Fitnessressourcen und -geräte sowie vor- und nachgelagerte Dienstleister und Teilnehmer besser miteinander verbunden, um eine höhere Effizienz zu erzielen, sodass der Zugang der Menschen zur Fitness massiv ist. Durch die Einführung von Blockchain wird die gesamte Fitnessbranche zu einem Unternehmen zusammengefasst gesamtes und vollständiges Ökosystem, das alle Ressourcen, Fitnessexperten, Lieferanten, Clubs, Praktiker und Peripherieprodukte voll ausnutzt. Diese mit der Blockchain-Technologie verbundene Kryptowährung bietet viele Vorteile und Nutzen auf allen Ebenen und für alle.

Die meisten Kryptowährungen verfügen heute über ein Mining-System, das diejenigen belohnt, die ihre Grafikkarte oder Prozessoren oder spezielle Mining-Hardware verwenden. Es funktioniert wie Inflation oder könnte sogar als eine Art "Steuer" auf Kryptowährung angesehen werden. Bitcoin allein "verbrennt" über FÜNF MILLIARDEN Dollar pro Jahr für den Bergbau.


Wir betrachten die massive Mining-Belohnung von Bitcoin als Overkill und glauben, dass Bitcoin mit nur einem Bruchteil dieser Mining-Belohnung ungefähr so sicher sein könnte (wie Bitcoin zeigt, das eine hohe Netzwerksicherheit ohne entsprechende Probleme aufweist, selbst wenn die Marktkapitalisierung und die Mining-Belohnung erreicht sind waren 1/10 wie es jetzt ist). Wenn Bitcoin ein System ähnlich wie WellBe hätte, hätte Bitcoin derzeit Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr für Entwicklung und Wachstum. Dies ist ein großer Fehlwert, eine Lücke, die WellBe zu schließen versucht. Die Kombination mit Governance und intelligenten Vertragsfunktionen ist für uns das Hauptmerkmal der leistungsstärksten Kryptowährungen der Zukunft.


Es ist wichtig, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Kombination von Funktionen von WellBe zu verstehen und gleichzeitig von einer starken Vision begleitet zu sein. Unser Finanzministerium wird Hunderten von Fitness- und Sportorganisationen dabei helfen, eine Vorreiterrolle in der Spitzenentwicklung einzunehmen, und gleichzeitig Marketing- und Geschäftsentwicklungsspezialisten finanzieren, um das Bewusstsein der Benutzer zu stärken und die Akzeptanz von Händlern auf dem Markt zu fördern. die ganze Welt. WellBe wird schließlich sogar dazu beitragen, regulatorische Wege freizumachen, um eine tiefgreifende Integration in Ländern auf der ganzen Welt zu ermöglichen. Um eine bessere Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, wohin wir gehen, lesen Sie unsere Roadmap.


Die Besonderheiten von WellBe Coin



Code: WELB
Token-Typ: BEP20
Blockierungszeit: 1 Minute
Konsens: Nachweis des Einsatzes
Einsatz: 1 WELB-Minimum (Transaktion mit 101 Bestätigungen)
Masternode: 1000 WELB
Cash-Zyklus: alle 7 Tage
Zum ersten Mal werden monatlich ca. 200.000 WELB veröffentlicht Jahr. Zulassungen können leicht als "10/10/10/40/40" angesehen werden.


200.000 WELB werden im ersten Jahr monatlich veröffentlicht. Die Zuordnung finden Sie unten:

10% an Stakers vergeben

40%, MasterNodes zugeordnet

30%, dem Finanzministerium zugewiesen

10% für FAS

10% auf WELLBE BONE.


Masternode-Betreiber werden nach dem 6. Monat des Starts mit dem Verdienen beginnen. Die Masternode-Anforderung beträgt 1000 WELB

Ticker: WELB


Token Blockchain Netzwerk: BEP20

Konsens: Nachweis des Einsatzes

Blockierungszeit: 1 Minute

Masterknotenanforderung: 1000 WELB

STAKING: mindestens 1 WELB


Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer


Bitcointalk Benutzername: Natasha Wilona


BEP20 WALLET: 0x9d97fa4e1488b686f89c2626751165e319c5c9e8

Base Reward Token — Desensitized Finance Ecosystem Protocol

Base Reward Token — Desensitized Finance Ecosystem Protocol

Decentralized finance is an open financial system built on blockchain technology which has a decentralized nature. The Base Reward Ecosystem core idea is to combine cryptocurrency, blockchain technology and different businesses in one place to get users rewarded for their loyalty. And blockchain development a different associations in a solitary spot to get customers made up for their immovability and become accomplices that share in pay and participate in unique as Base Reward Token Holder. Base reward tokens provide the best service and all can be obtained on one platform.

Instant exchange between cryptos with a very fast time with many choices of Cryptocurrencies, it is hoped that investors and traders can have many choices that are expected and at very low costs to maximize profits.


Base Reward Token Ecosystem
Base Reward Token Ecosystem is a decentralized Finance ecosystem has been designed to integrate and expand its services across the globe, without any restriction and limitation. Creating an effective and efficient decentralized digital one-stop-shop marketplace economy with a stable economic growth Base Reward ecosystem powered by blockchain and cryptocurrency Base Reward Token. Achieving real world value.


Base Reward Token’s platform is a marketplace, one that has so many segments purchases and transactions can be carried out on. BRT allows its token holders to have access to a number of online purchases giving them the opportunity to earn token rewards in every transaction. Individuals and clients of the online information stage need to profit and make benefits from the pieces of information been shared rather offering it to under-served stage and individuals for nothing. Reloadable virtual cards are a square measure, neither easy to access nor cheap among online users The United Nations Agency wishes to remain anonymous on the web. The basic reward token can bridge the gap between cost and paperwork to provide a safe and easy offer through online browsing and interaction across the continent and around the world.


Services of (BRT) Base reward tokens
BRT holders will be able to use the token and make purchases of products and services within the ecosystem. BRT will give it holder the possibility to pay some of Base Reward services at the beginning and all its services in the future using

Instant Exchanger services

The Instant Exchanger is an Automatically currency exchanger with instant swapping between crypto with fees as low as 0.5%
Mobile Gaming services

The Base Reward Token core team aims to be part of this revolution by allowing the purchase and download of mobile games on their platform at a stipulated fee, using Base Reward Token.
Ecommerce platform services

RBT intended to take advantage of the ecommerce young market to gain market share in e-commerce by creating most prominent marketplaces such as eBay where vendors and buyers can easily meet their needs, bids, and transactions safely securely.
Visa/Master Card prepaid services

Cards for online shopping and acceptable worldwide at any atm and received points for every single transaction, not based on single transaction volume but based on recurring volume. Users can redeem points for BRT token.


Benefits of (BRT) Base reward tokens
The BRT token base reward will be the main asset representing all Base reward Ecosystem activities. (BRT) token all used benefits

Visa/Master One time or multiples use of the card.
Cards for online shopping and acceptable worldwide at any atm.
Cryptos with fees as low as 0.5%. Buy cryptocurrencies with credit card / debit card instantly and fast delivery.
every transaction made on our exchange platform, the user will receive 50% of fees in BRT
Base Reward Token is holding a piece of its services, so it is Everyone’s Business.
60% of the ecosystem fees will be redistributed all token holders by providing liquidity
Base Reward Token allows the token holder access to a variety of online purchases and earn a token on every transaction.

tha investors and traders can have many choices that are expected and at very low costs to maximize their profit on the crypto market simply and safely.

Token details
Token Name: Base Reward Token
Token Ticker: BRT
Decimal: 18
Blockchain Technology: SMART CHAIN (BEP-20)
Token Type: Utility Token
Contract Address: 0xfa87b870e751179bef7dcada8c18fc5ca4a37bb0


Hard and fast supply: 12 million tokens.
The hard and fast stock is surprisingly limited to 12 million tokens. Current inventory is the total number of tokens owned by holders, dropped by air, owned by accessories, collected, and owned by authors. BRT streaming stock may be less than 2 million after prior arrangement. Likewise, we have a buy and burnout program.



Early Q1 2018 Technical Consultation for various service with experts
Early Q1 2019 Development of Tokenomics and Ecosystem
Early Q1 2020 The building of automatic exchanger
Late Q3 2020 Launched of automated exchanger services
Late Q4 2020 Beginning of airdrop and round 1

Late Q1 2021 Launch of card services.
Release of Ecosystem mobile app
Early Q2 2021 Token distribution event.
Staking event.
late Q2 2021 Activation of monthly liquidity.
Late Q4 2021 Token USE CASE activation.
Late Q4 2021 Growth and expansion of launched services.
Early Q1 2022 Work in progress on other services and more


This platform provide all the necessary information about an asset, exchange or any cryptocurrency related establishment. The extensive team members above also show that the management is aiming for excellence. It will connect investors of all classes and Fund Managers in a Decentralized presenting Get involved in this phenomenal project today !

Team Members
Brandon Che
Ahmed Ali
Blockchain and Web Full Stack Developer
Hermann Taleu
Marketing Manager
Vukwensi Edith
Financial Controller
Teboh Capwel
Social Media Manager
Mbah Ruth Micheal
Head of Technical Support


The official project social media website :




Forum Username: Natasha Wilona

Telegram Username: @NatashaWilona2
BEP20 : 0x9d97fa4e1488b686f89c2626751165e319c5c9e8

Minggu, 23 Mei 2021

SafeBlast- 40 Billion Blast Token- Content Creation

SafeBlast- 40 Billion Blast Token- Content Creation

What is SafeBLAST(BLAST)
SafeBLAST(BLAST) is an Autonomous yield and Liquidity generation protocol. Every time someone buys or sell SafeBLAST token, the total supply goes down and the HODLers get rewarded. Every transaction also creates liquidity, which is automatically LOCKED.


SafeBLAST(BLAST) is a deflationary token on BSC (Binance Smart Chain) network. Autonomous yield and Liquidity generation protocol token. Every time someone buys or sell SafeBLAST token, the total supply goes down. Every wallet HODLers automatically gets rewarded from a 5% distribution on every transaction. Every transaction also creates a 5% liquidity, which is automatically LOCKED on PancakeSwap to benefit future buying and selling.


SafeBLAST works by taking a 10% fee on every transaction. This is divided into two parts REWARDS and LIQUIDITY. The REWARDS is a 5% transaction fee, which is distributed to every wallet that holds SafeBLAST on a percentage basis. The more SafeBLAST you hold, the more rewards you will receive. The "DEAD" (Burn) wallet, receives the most percentage to burn. The second part is LP GENERATION, which is often referred to as Liquidity. This part gets 5% transaction fee and deposited back into the PancakeSwap liquidity pool, which is also LOCKED FOR 5YEARS (2026).


Marketing Strategy

Safeblast will partner with several financial institutions and blockchain companies to help promote its exchange globally.

Social Media Marketing
Social media today is an efficient marketing strategy for every industry. Safeblast will adopt all social media.

Airdrop and Campaigns
Airdrop and bounty campaigns are some of the best marketing strategies for every crypto project. Free tokens will be given out all through.

Public Relation
We will ensure effective public relations. PR articles will be released weekly on top cryptocurrency blogs.


Token Name: SafeBLAST
Token Symbol: BLAST
Token Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000
Burnt Tokens: 560,000,000,000,000
Pancake SWAP LP: 200,000,000,000,000
Exch / Mkt: 240,000,000,000,000
Additional 100,000,000,000,000 tokens will be BURNED from marketing wallet in May 2021


Interoperability issues
High Transaction fees
Slow Transaction speed


BLAST Token Solutions
Cheaper Transactions fees
High Transaction Speed


How to buy SafeBLAST

Download MetaMask or TrustWallet

Set up your wallet (TrustWallet is already set up)
Go to for help

Go to Pancakeswap
Go to

Click on

Copy the SafeBLAST Token address
Contract Address:

Click the settings button on the top right of the Swap interface and set slippage to 11%

Enter the amount and hit swap
Remember to have enough BNB for gas fees!

1 – Q2

Design Logo 

Open Telegram Group 

Launch Website (Version One) 

Tokens / Smart Contract 

Burn 560T Tokens Pre-Launch 

NO PreSale NO ICO 

LP Locked (5years)

SURPRISE on May 5th 

SURPRISE on May 15th and 19th

List on PancakeSwap 

BSC Verification



Renounce Contract Ownership 

(No more tokens can ever be minted)

BSC Verification / Update

BlockFolio Listing 

Update Logo on TRUST wallet 

2 – Q3

Launch UniRocket 

Social Media Team 

First Marketing Campaign 

Launch 10 Video Promo 

Exchange Listing

1st Influencer Marketing 

Second Marketing Campaign 

Strategic Partnerships 

Give Back Program 

3 – Q4

NFT coming soon


For more information About SafeBLAST Platform


Bitcointalk Username: Natasha Wilona
Telegram Username:
Bitcointalk url:;u=2852227
BSC Wallet Address: 0x9d97fa4e1488b686f89c2626751165e319c5c9e8



RushMoon is an automated liquidity acquisition system as well as a decentralized exchange tool running on the Binance Smart Chain with lots of unique and creative features that allow you to earn and win.
We fully support CAKE-LP v2 staking .


As you can see we try to provide an ETA for each assignment. However development or coding is not easy, and it always comes with some uncertainties. We will try our best to release each feature or product in a timely manner. please also pay attention to possible delays.


RushMoon Features:
Automatic Liquidity

Each transfer of RUSH must pay a 5% transfer tax. The 4% transfer tax gets added to the liquidity pool through the contract automatically to raise the price floor continuously. And the liquidity will be locked and inaccessible.

Automated Burning
As we have mentioned above, each transfer of RUSH must pay a 5% transfer tax. The 4% transfer tax will be allocated to automatic liquidity acquisition. And the rest 1% transfer tax will be burned immediately. The whole process is automatic.

Harvest Lockup
Harvest lockup is a unique rewards lockup mechanism used to limit the frequency of harvest. It is designed to prevent farming arbitrage bots from constantly harvesting and dumping.

Deposit Fee Redistribution
A 4% deposit fee will be charged when users enter staking on RushMoon, we plan to use the deposit fee to add more liquidity buy back pool. This provide instead of the removed liquidity of RUSH buyback pool.

Every time this function is called 2% of liquidity is removed and the liquidity is then split into BNB and RUSH. BNB market buys RUSH. The rest ~99% of the RUSH is then burned ~ 1% of RUSH sent to caller of the function to incentivize user spending gas.

Referral Program
An on-chain referral program has been implemented to incentivize users to invite friends to join the farming. Inviters can earn 1% of his/her friends' earnings forever.

No Migrator Code
The migrator code in the MasterChef contract has been removed.

Timelock has been added at launch.

Trading Incentive
We plan to add a trading incentive mechanism to our own AMM dex. Users can earn tokens by trading on RushMoon. But different from traditional trading mining, the rewards on RushMoon for trading can be different tokens. Other projects can provide their own tokens as rewards for specified trading pairs. More details about it will be published later.

Token Name: RushMoon
Token Symbol: RUSH
Contract Address: 0xff96ce2cc0d20dA0250A63BDca2B568F52a5bC71
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Max Supply: Unlimited


Transfer Tax
Burn Rate: 1% of transfer tax will be burned immediately
Automatic Liquidity Rate: 4% of transfer tax will be added to the LP pool and locked.
Total Transfer Tax Rate: 5% of every transfer


Emission Rate
1000 RUSH/ block
28,800,000 RUSH/ day
9.09% to the dev team to ensure essential growth of the project


Presale start date: 23 May 12:00 UTC ,Whitelist is needed.
Whitelist open until presale starts.

Join the whitelist:

Held directly on rushmoon website,to participate Connect your Metamask, enter the amount of BNB you wish to send and click buy. RUSH tokens will be instantly returned via our presale contract. Do not use exchange accounts or dont sent BNB directly presale contract.


The countdown can be viewed on the site.

5% BNB referral reward distributed instantly via presale contract. Create your referral link under the presale buy box on

Softcap: 50 BNB
Hardcap: 200 BNB
Max duration: 6 hours


Presale details:
Price: 1 BNB = 750,000 RUSH
Pancake listing price: 1 BNB = 650,000 RUSH
Pancake listing date: Immadierty after hard cap met or 23 May 18:00 UTC
Max cap per wallet — 3,750,000 RUSH tokens (~5 BNB) No minimum.


Tokens are locked until presale end.
Farming start at block: #7667919 and Buyback will be activated immediately after presale.

Liquidity locked on RUSH contract for 90 days. For evidence read function “LPLocked” then input RUSH’s contract address and click query for LP unlock Unix time.


Any unsold tokens will be burned before the launch on Pancake.
1,000,000,000 RUSH minted at start and distributed as follows;
500,000,000 RUSH Burned at 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD (not sent to CZ or Vb)
475,000,000 RUSH Presale
10,000,000 RUSH for RUSH-BUSD LP pool
5,000,000 RUSH Airdrop
5,000,000 RUSH Bounty
5,000,000 RUSH Twitter contests



Project Launch
Presale (Whitelist is open for 7 days)
Audit (In progress)
Apply for Registration on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, DappRadar, BscScan, etc.
Farming (Stake RUSH-LP to get RUSH) - 6 hours after presale ends
Twitter contest - about to start
Partnership - Will start right after launch

AMM - 30 days after launch
Deactivate All LP-Pastry Farms - 3 days after AMM release
Add RUSH-LP Farm - 3 days after AMM release
Initial Farm Offering - 15 days after the AMM release
AMM Trading Mining (Trading on RUSH for new tokens) - 30 days after AMM release

AMM API Endpoint
AMM Analytics
Margin Trading
Fixed Rate Swaps
Binary Options








Telegram Ann:




Bitcointalk Username: Natasha Wilona
Telegram Username:
Bitcointalk url:;u=2852227
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x9d97fa4e1488b686f89c2626751165e319c5c9e8