Minggu, 25 April 2021

Citizen Finance

Citizen Finance

에 대해 FPS와 NFT가 DeFi를 통해 만나는 곳인 Meta City에 오신 것을 환영합니다. Meta City는 플레이어가 Meta City의 정복 된 구역을 여행하면서 생존을 위해 싸우고 수집 된 게임 내 자산으로 벙커를 구축하고 적을 물리 치고 정부가 정복 한 구역을 되찾도록 돕는 일인칭 슈팅 게임입니다.


제한된 자산
기존 FPS와 달리 Meta City에는 플레이어가 기본 상점에서 구매할 수있는 게임 내 자산 수가 제한되어 있습니다. 플레이어는 보조 상점에서 판매 할 플레이어로부터 기본 상점에서 사용할 수없는 무기 및 기타 아이템 만 구매할 수 있습니다.


게임 내 자산
으로서의 블록 체인 지원 개념으로 플레이어가 게임 내 자산을 완전히 제어 할 수 있습니다. 플레이어는 제한없이 게임 안팎으로 아이템을 자유롭게 입금 및 출금 할 수 있습니다.

외계인과 싸우기 위해 고급 및 희귀 한 무기를 구입하고, 스테이 킹 또는 거래 또는 보조 시장을 위해 철회하십시오.


플레이어를위한 금전적 인센티브
Meta City의 헌신적 인 플레이어들에게 동기를 부여하기 위해 Citizen Finance는 플레이어에게 Ciphi 토큰을 보상 할 것입니다.

플레이어는 1 메타 = $ 0.01 상당의 Ciphi 토큰의 비율로 게임 내 통화를 Ciphi 토큰으로 변환 할 수 있습니다.


친구들과 팀을 이루어 액션으로 가득한 멀티 플레이어 모험을 즐겨보세요. Metro District 용감한 군인의 일원이되어 침략자로부터 도시를 되 찾으십시오.


에 대해 FPS와 NFT가 DeFi를 통해 만나는 곳인 Meta City에 오신 것을 환영합니다. Meta City는 플레이어가 Meta City의 정복 된 구역을 여행하면서 생존을 위해 싸우고 수집 된 게임 내 자산으로 벙커를 구축하고 적을 물리 치고 정부가 정복 한 구역을 되찾도록 돕는 일인칭 슈팅 게임입니다.


제한된 자산
기존 FPS와 달리 Meta City에는 플레이어가 기본 상점에서 구매할 수있는 게임 내 자산 수가 제한되어 있습니다. 플레이어는 보조 상점에서 판매 할 플레이어로부터 기본 상점에서 사용할 수없는 무기 및 기타 아이템 만 구매할 수 있습니다.


게임 내 자산NFT
으로서의 블록 체인 지원 개념으로 플레이어가 게임 내 자산을 완전히 제어 할 수 있습니다. 플레이어는 제한없이 게임 안팎으로 아이템을 자유롭게 입금 및 출금 할 수 있습니다.

외계인과 싸우기 위해 고급 및 희귀 한 무기를 구입하고, 스테이 킹 또는 거래 또는 보조 시장을 위해 철회하십시오.


플레이어를위한 금전적 인센티브
Meta City의 헌신적 인 플레이어들에게 동기를 부여하기 위해 Citizen Finance는 플레이어에게 Ciphi 토큰을 보상 할 것입니다.
플레이어는 1 메타 = $ 0.01 상당의 Ciphi 토큰의 비율로 게임 내 통화를 Ciphi 토큰으로 변환 할 수 있습니다.


친구들과 팀을 이루어 액션으로 가득한 멀티 플레이어 모험을 즐겨보세요. Metro District 용감한 군인의 일원이되어 침략자로부터 도시를 되 찾으십시오.


시민 금융 플랫폼 토큰.
Ciphi는 Citizen Finance 플랫폼의 기본 토큰이며 토큰은 NFT 스테이 킹 및 유동성 채굴을 통해 발행됩니다. 사용자는 Ciphi 토큰을 사용하여 보조 마켓 플레이스에서 nft를 구매하고, 수수료로 사용하여 자체 스킨 제안을 시작하고, Cifipowa에 대한 배포 수수료를 사용하고, Ciphi를 스테이 킹하여 유동성 보상을 받고, 대출 프로토콜에 사용할 수 있습니다.

Ciphi는 Citizen Finance 플랫폼의 기본 토큰이며 토큰은 NFT 스테이 킹 및 유동성 채굴을 통해 발행됩니다. 사용자는 Ciphi 토큰을 사용하여 보조 마켓 플레이스에서 nft를 구매하고, 수수료로 사용하여 자체 스킨 제안을 시작하고, Cifipowa에 대한 배포 수수료를 사용하고, Ciphi를 스테이 킹하여 유동성 보상을 받고, 대출 프로토콜에 사용할 수 있습니다.


이름 : CIPHI
기호 : CIFI
네트워크 : Binance Smart Chain
Decimal : 18
유형 : 유틸리티 및 거버넌스
공급 : 500,000


10 % 수수료 분배
2 % 팀 지갑
4 % 자발적 개발자
4 % 보상 풀


채굴 (88 %) : 370,000 프리 세일
(10) : 50,000
유동성 (1 %) : 25,000
팀 (10 %) : 50,000
에어 드랍 및 바운티 (1 %) : 5000

유동성은 6 개월 동안 고정됩니다.
팀 토큰은 단계적으로 배포됩니다. 10 %는 처음에 배포되고 90 %는 12 개월 동안 고정됩니다. 락업 기간이 지나면 팀 토큰의 5 %가 매월 해제됩니다.


Ciphi 토큰은 분산 형 풀에서 게임 내 자산을 스테이 킹하고 유동성 채굴을 통해서만 얻을 수 있습니다. 탈 중앙화 거래소에서 유동성을 제공하는 사용자는 LP를 스테이 킹 한 후 CIFI 토큰으로 보상을받습니다.


플레이어가 수확을 시작할 때마다 보상의 90 %가 지갑으로 전송되고 수확에서 10 %가 공제됩니다.


2021 년 1 분기
웹 사이트 v1
출시 CifiPowa 베타 출시
Airdrop 및
Meta City Pre-Alpha (PC) 바운티 출시
2 분기
사전 판매
NFT 배포
시민 풀
마켓 플레이스 출시
더보기 편집자에게 개발
Meta City
내부 Blockdown District (알파)
출시 Merchant District (알파)
내부 출시 Norse District (알파)
내부 출시 Port District (알파)
내부 출시 Battlefield (멀티 플레이어) 내부 출시
게임 내 Asset
Pow XR 로 NFT 지원

2021 년 3 분기
베타 버전 개발 CifiPowa 지원 경매 스타일의 다중 채굴 (ERC1155) CifiPowa Meta City에 대한 추가 개발 Blockdown District (알파) 공개 출시 Merchant District (알파) 공개 출시 Norse District (알파) 공개 Battlefield 보상 풀 내부 테스트 SaaVC Pow XR 베타 버전 공개 공개

Citizen Finance에 대한 추가 정보 :

웹 사이트 :  https://citizenfinance.io/

디스 코드 :  https://discord.com/invite/xqNxf63sHx

매체 :  https://medium.com/@citizen_finance

트위터 :  https://twitter.com/citizen_finance


포럼 사용자 이름 : Natasha Wilona
포럼 프로필 링크 : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2852227
텔레 그램 사용자 이름 : @NatashaWilona2
ETH 지갑 주소 : 0x9d97fa4e1488b686f89c2626751165e319c5c9e8

Rabu, 21 April 2021



О моктейле

Mocktail Token - это первый полузаменяемый токен MocktailSwap. Mocktail Finance - это протокол AMM, который включает в себя оптимизацию доходности по нескольким стратегиям на Binance Smart Chain (BSC) с низкими комиссиями / проскальзыванием, который также обеспечивает агрегацию посредством сложения в хранилище, кредитования и генерации доходности для максимальной прибыли.


MocktailSwap - это децентрализованное решение для обмена на Binance Smart Chain. Мы предоставляем платформу для создания полностью защищенной и быстрой децентрализованной системы обмена токенами.


Стабильное позиционирование ваших активов с минимальными или постоянными потерями
Автоматизированная, максимально оптимизированная доходность
Полная децентрализация
Экономика токенов MOK, полностью основанная на управлении



Обмен - это процесс обмена одного токена на другой на той же платформе. Свопинг осуществляется с минимальной комиссией для поставщика ликвидности, который предоставил ликвидность пулу.


Доходное сельское хозяйство - это способ заработать больше криптовалюты с помощью своей криптовалюты. Это предполагает, что вы ссужаете свои средства другим людям с помощью магии компьютерных программ, называемых смарт-контрактами.


Ликвидность - это мера легкости, с которой актив может быть преобразован в другой актив, не влияя на его цену. Проще говоря, ликвидность описывает, насколько быстро и легко можно купить или продать актив.


Пул ставок - это группа держателей монет, которые объединяют свои ресурсы, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на проверку блоков и получение вознаграждений. Они объединяют свои ставки и делят вознаграждение пропорционально своим вкладам в пул.

Что особенного в ERC1155?
По мнению экспертов Blockchain, Non-Fungible Tokens могут произвести революцию в будущем блокчейна. Вы действительно понимаете эту концепцию и как ее можно использовать? Давайте начнем говорить об основах и обсудить, что делает NFT особенными и перспективными.


Взаимозаменяемые и не взаимозаменяемые токены
Взаимозаменяемость важна в мире блокчейна и криптовалюты. Это желательно для любой валюты, традиционной или цифровой, поскольку большинство валют стремятся быть взаимозаменяемыми активами. Токен можно обменять на любой другой токен такой же стоимости. Например, одна валюта доллара США может быть изменена на другую валюту доллара США без каких-либо различий для пользователя.


В сети Ethereum есть популярные шаблоны, которые были определены самим сообществом. Каждый стандарт известен как ERC, что означает запрос Ethereum на комментарии. Он определяет методы, технологию, поведение для конкретной функции в Ethereum и отправляется либо на экспертную оценку.

ERC-1155 - это стандарт для контрактов, которые управляют любой комбинацией взаимозаменяемых токенов и невзаимозаменяемых токенов.


В результате шаблон избегает тонны повторяющегося кода, распространяющего несколько контрактов в экосистеме Ethereum, и значительно экономит место для хранения и затраты на газ.


О проекте MocktailSwap?
Mocktail Token - это первый полузаменяемый токен MocktailSwap. Mocktail Finance - это протокол AMM, который включает в себя оптимизацию доходности по нескольким стратегиям на Binance Smart Chain (BSC) с низкими комиссиями / проскальзыванием, который также обеспечивает агрегацию посредством сложения в хранилище, кредитования и генерации доходности для максимальной прибыли.


MocktailSwap - это децентрализованное решение для обмена на Binance Smart Chain. Мы предоставляем платформу для создания полностью защищенной и быстрой децентрализованной системы обмена токенами.

Стабильное позиционирование ваших активов с минимальными временными потерями или без них

Автоматизированная, максимально оптимизированная урожайность

Полная децентрализация

Экономика токенов MOK, полностью основанная на управлении

Полу-взаимозаменяемые средства:
каждый тип токена может принадлежать нескольким адресам.

Один адрес может владеть несколькими копиями каждого токена.

Тикер: MOK

Цепочка: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

Адрес: https://bscscan.com/token/0x23A1c4025Aa5Dc7f876530bEb76346b99d50C3AA


частных продаж
Стартовый блок: еще не объявлено

Время начала: 1 апреля 2021 г., 17:00 UTC

Время окончания: 2 апреля 2021 г., 17:00 (всемирное координированное время).

Мягкая крышка: 500 000 МОК

Hard Cap: 1,500,000 MOK

В обращении: 0 МОК

Частная продажа: 1,500,000 МОК

Мин. Инвестиции: 0,01 BNB

Максимум. Инвестиции: 100 BNB


Первоначальное распределение токенов:
5% команда

7,5% баунти и маркетинговая кампания

12,5% Экосистема

75% Частная продажа


майнинговых токенов: 25% стейкинга

37,5% жжение

37,5% Сельское хозяйство


Дорожная карта

Связаться с Mocktail Finanace

Веб-сайт токена:   https://www.mocktail.finance/

Сайт Swap AMM:  https://www.mocktailswap.finance/

Баунти-кампания BitcoinTalk:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5327223.0

Телеграмма:  https://t.me/MocktailSwap

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/MocktailSwap

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/MocktailSwap

Средний:  https://medium.com/@MocktailSwap

ИНН:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5326502

Технический документ:   https://docs.mocktailswap.finance/

Подтвержденный смарт-контракт:  https://bscscan.com/address/0x23A1c4025Aa5Dc7f876530bEb76346b99d50C3AA

PancakeSwap:  https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?

Youtube:  https://youtube.com/channel/UC4WP5RPMmThoJgHoAIBak0Q



Имя пользователя Bitcointalk: Natasha Wilona

Имя пользователя Telegram: @NatashaWilona2

URL Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2852227

Адрес кошелька: 0x9d97fa4e1488b686f89c2626751165e319c5c9e8

Selasa, 20 April 2021

WASTEINFONET - Start Making Money Smartly We Generate Millionaire Information

WASTEINFONET - Start Making Money Smartly We Generate Millionaire Information

More than 100 countries!

WasteInfonet is the first company to use Artificial Intelligence, an Application for Android and IOS with a scanning device, data storage, a built-in multi-wallet and a central platform with a protocol that allows to achieve a total, secure and automated interconnection, with technologies designed in networks, allowing in this way to use all available technology and managing to generate and transfer information like we have never seen before. In each home located in a certain country, city or town, its owner will be able to scan the barcodes of each product that he discards daily, and through his mobile phone, store this information and transfer it to our platform, receiving a payment in WIF tokens (WASTEINFONET) for the work done. Later our platform will carry out the processing, classification, filtering systems and thus finally be able to concentrate all the data and send the extremely valuable information, so that companies can make decisions with greater profitability.



We have developed an innovative project based on the most modern technology mixing several tools, an app with a multifunction wallet, a secure network for information transfer from the moment each household scans its discarded products daily until it is received by our central platform that processes all this information received from different places, being these cities, countries, or a specific region, using GPS location technology, plus artificial intelligence to quickly and safely classify the information, and then it will be transferred to our clients who will be the companies that will receive important data that will allow them to make decisions, knowing the final factor in the production, distribution and consumption chain, which is the same consumer in each household. For this extremely valuable information, companies will pay with our token and at the same time we will pay those who contribute for their work done in homes also using our token, this will allow a great flow of information to be transferred, giving the participants liquidity and utility to the token.



The Power of Waste Information

The information that the garbage brings tremendous power and with very diverse uses to make decisions that involve millions. There is a real situation where companies interact with their customers basically by offering and selling their products, but they do not know exactly the end consumer user. These companies are of different categories, but it highlights everything that involves food, safety and hygiene in the home and these make up 90% of the total waste that we throw away daily. There are also other residues, but whose frequency is minimal, such as a light bulb, glue, a worn cloth, remains of cooked food, jars of cosmetic cream etc. The power of garbage that our team gives you is to transform dispersed data, unite it and transform it into very valuable information for companies around the world that need to know what happens all the time in the market.


Token Utility (WIF)

Our token has a fundamental utility, as an interconnection vehicle between the circuits from where it is produced to where the information arrives. Internally, the team is convinced that a token was never as useful as ours, and this is because many crypto projects sought the usefulness of their token, without having it and somehow made them have just for investors to say which is a utility. symbolic. Our token (WIF) moves in different ways, it is the means of payment to the producers of the information, the means of payment we receive from the companies that receive this information, the way in which our investors trust us and keep them, and the way that we will see our market capitalization increase strongly in the near future.


Method Developed For The Generation of Information

Some old projects used a manual registration system on different classifications of garbage in homes, then these forms were delivered by means of a specific model designed by the applicant of the information, which implied a very difficult, arduous, imprecise and late work. Then with the new technology that we have incorporated, we add accuracy, speed, precision, security and multiple utilities, with a classification and processing platform. Finally we achieve quality, new information and accuracy by displacing the old surveys where there is no reliability and they do not become useful information. Our international barcode scanning system (barcodes), transfer networks from 4G 5G cell phones to our platform with artificial intelligence and instant processing for sending by electronic means to our clients, make us leaders.



Our business model is focused on the sources of obtaining the basic information that is discarded daily around the world, obtaining it from different really true and accurate sources such as the garbage containers of each home wherever it is. So its conversion into extremely useful information so that client companies can make important decisions, not based on projections, or estimates only if not with real, safe, precise and valuable information, eliminating the uncertainty that generates a high level of deviations from taking decision-making with current information. Our business model begins with this company, but our planning framework is to transform this business base into the structure to integrate future projects that will allow us not only to grow, but to continue innovating and revolutionizing the world of information creation.



Currently, on average, each inhabitant in the world daily deposits 1.5 kilograms

of garbage, this garbage is generated with a variability of between 0.70

kilograms to 2 kilograms per day depending on each country, however, not only

is it not useful to this garbage, if not that there are only recycling plants, but

there is no company like us that focuses on the value of what we waste and the

great information we throw away with our waste. Until now, we take this daily

activity only as one more activity in the home.



Wasteinfonet, developed a totally innovative and revolutionary method that will

allow this waste that each inhabitant of the world generates daily to be

transformed into extremely useful information to make important decisions that

will add a lot of value to production companies, creating a new channel of

accurate information that far exceeds any type of survey, projection, estimate.

This makes us undisputed leaders in a new market as creators of it and, above

all,finding a use for an activity such as disposing of waste, which was always

something simply done automatically as another household chore.



Q1 2020

Several Research in many countries and cities,

development of our business model.

Q2 2020

Selected countries for launching the first stage,

regional and cualitative research.

Q3 2020

Contact with differents fonts for creating our ecosystem.

Q4 2020

Legal and Marketing analizing for launching the project.

Q1 2021

Token Sales, Listing in Exchanges, beta Version for a select group of countries using app, android and our platform.

Q2 2021

Launching Mainnet including more countries, new partnerships.

Q3 2021

More countries added in our business, reinvestment of our flows of money incomes.

Q4 2021

Program of special bonus for investors and working on increase the incomes all time, adding new branches in the business as optimization of waste collection.

Q1 2022

New business added IoT (Internet of Things) Sensors capable of detecting the fill rate and weight of each bin; optimization of the waste collection, the truck route is optimized based on the weight and fill level of the container and the traffic, including control in the delivery of the waste.


Although our project is not oriented to the recycling of garbage and the great problems that this implies worldwide, with all the costs that this generates for each country and the future problem that it implies due to the fact that garbage has projections to occupy a large part of the planet, in addition to all the pollution problems in rivers, seas and cities. We have decided to make a contribution through "Donation". providing all our information to non-profit environmental care entities, since we consider it our duty and social responsibility to help in the fight against pollution.


We are going to transfer to public welfare agencies, government entities and environmental care organizations, information that will help us live in a better world. This information will be reprocessed basically in plastic waste, cardboard, glass and complex materials. This reprocessing will be carried out completely "free" and this will allow them to know the waste and the type of waste in each region, as well as quantities and characteristics. We believe that monetizing the business model is our great challenge, but on the other hand, preserving the environment by giving valuable information to those who struggle and work to live in a better and less polluted world is also part of us.

Start Making Money Smartly.Work With Us.



Our database of consumers who actively participate working with us in the information and management chain, will also receive a reward in cryptocurrencies token (WIF) and / or failing that, direct payments according to their geographical region, a loyalty bonus, this The bonus will require a very simple task, only each consumer in a home must scan the bar codes of the products consumed that are discarded daily, for this they will receive a monthly Bonus that will be credited to each wallet.



On the other hand, we want you to tell friends, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers about our work model, and join together to integrate an increasingly large database, the Bonus programs will be part of incentive measures to add consumers who also actively work with us in special programs requested, and for each active referral you will receive an extra reward, we will use some scales so that according to the number of members you contribute, it is the payment of your Bonus, and it must be taken into account that It will be paid according to the days you collaborate by providing information.



Federico Fornicoia: CEO & Co-Founder

Neygrimar Corniel: Co-Founder - Team Manager

Silvia Eric Sztryk: Chief Operating Officer - COO

Yanibeth García: Chief Content Officer - CCO

Adriana Bravo: Chief Operating Financial Officer - COFO

Adeel Ahmed: Chief Technology Officer - CTO

Marta Alaniz: Translator



HIGHLIGHT: This is the first crypto project that truly shows the entire investment community since its launch each of the designed, scheduled and strategically planned steps, with high-level precision estimates backed by in-depth analysis of previous research.

The entire investment community that will be part of our project will be able to know our bases, our selections, our figures, the assembly of our projected financial statements and a 5-year projection that will really generate a lot of information so that those who buy our tokens know that they are really buying and with greater benefits than leading companies.


PROFIT LOSS FORECAST: https://wasteinfonet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/PROFIT-_-LOSS-FORECAST-IN-PDF.pdf


The 10 largest food and beverage companies in the world.



1. Construction of the APP for Android and IOS devices used to scan products and their bar codes, save information and transfer it using 4G and 5G networks.

2. Traceability of the data transmission and reception networks to the platform.

3. Information processing, classification and filtering programs to convert the information received into useful data that will be sent to the "clients" of the user companies.

4, Network operation protocol, where the generating source joins our platform and the information flow security system to companies.

5. Alternative means of payment will be determined for certain places, exceptionally, incorporated into our protocol at different required points.

6. Platform connection systems will be developed with client companies, testing security levels.

7. Artificial Intelligence will begin to be used, improving information processing.

8. Creation of a database that will provide the platform and the team with contact information for companies in the launch countries, as well as a database with the information generators.

9. A committee is created that will meet to evaluate and incorporate continuous improvements.


More information about Wasteinfonet :

Website : https://wasteinfonet.com/

Medium : https://wasteinfonet.medium.com/

Whitepaper : https://wasteinfonet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/WHITEPAPER-WASTEINFONET-PDF-FILE..pdf

Twitter : https://twitter.com/WasteInfonet

Telegram : https://t.me/wasteinfonet1



Bitcointalk username: Natasha Wilona

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2852227

Telegram: @NatashaWilona2

ETH Address: 0x9d97fa4e1488b686f89c2626751165e319c5c9e8